MUSC - General Music

MUSC 1000 Music Convocation (0-3-0) 
A laboratory experience to include student recitals, guest performances, master classes, lectures, and meetings. May be repeated. Attendance by non-majors is encouraged. (S/U grading)
MUSC 1005 Reed Making (0-0-0) 
This course teaches all aspects of oboe or bassoon reed making, from cane processing to the finished reed.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 99 times or 0 hours.

Enrollment limited to students major in Music Performance, Music or Music Education.

MUSC 1006 Musical Theatre Convocation (0-1-0) 
Prerequisite: departmental approval required. A laboratory experience to include student recitals, guest performances, master classes, lectures, and meetings for students enrolled in the Certificate for Musical Theatre Performance. May be repeated eight times for credit.

Enrollment limited to students in the Department Prerequisite college.

MUSC 1100 Music Appreciation (3-0-3) 
The elements of music as revealed through study of Western art music, American vernacular music, and non-Western music. Consideration of the role of music and the musician in society, both past and present is covered.
MUSC 1125 Introduction to Public Musicology (3-0-3) 
An introduction to the many ways musicology can engage with communities and events outside the academy. Topics include music criticism, oral history, public writing, museum education, archives, grant writing, and cultural tourism.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1100 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 1205 Introduction to the Lyric Stage (1-1-1) 
A course designed to familiarize the student with professional stage terminology and practical application of the basic skills needed for success on the lyric stage. This course is intended for students who lack previous experience in musical theatrical performance. Music majors only.

Enrollment limited to students major in Music Performance, Music, Music Education - Non-Degree or Music Education.

MUSC 1206 Body Mapping (1-4-3) 
Designed to bring awareness to habitual patterns of tension, this course will focus on mapping the internal representation of the body in terms of structure, function, and size. Body mapping trains us to replace our faulty body maps with correct maps in order to rely on our skeletal structure to support our weight and allow for effortless movement. This course will bring awareness to our movement during everyday activities and activities within our disciplines using masterclasses, workshops, and group activities.

Enrollment limited to students in the following programs:

  • BMAM01
  • BMAM10
  • BMAM11
  • BMAM14
  • BMAM15
  • BMAM16
  • BMAM20
  • BMAM26

MUSC 1213 Music Foundations (3-0-3) 
This course provides intensive training in basic music theory, including clef reading, rhythmic notation, intervals, and major and minor key signatures and scales. Aural components include solfeggio and pitch matching, as well as rhythmic reading. This course may be required as a preliminary to beginning the music major sequence of MUSC 1214 and MUSC 1314. Non-majors may use this course as an elective or part of the music minor. All students enrolled in this course must be able to read in at least one clef and understand basic rhythmic notation.
MUSC 1214 Music Theory I (2-1-2) 
Review of the fundamentals of pitch and rhythm, followed by study of Western harmony, including part-writing, modified species counterpoint and Roman numeral analysis. All students enrolled in the course must take a music reading examination to be completed no later than the first class meeting.
MUSC 1215 Music Theory II (2-1-2) 
Principles of four-voice composition in common-practice style. Includes all diatonic chords, and seventh chords, and their inversions.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1214 with a minimum grade of C and MUSC 1314 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 1221 Jazz Theory and Improvisation I (2-1-2) 
A practical and theoretical course, combining jazz harmony and counterpoint with improvisational experience in the classroom. Major topics include chord/scale relationships, modal theory, chord progressions, formal analysis, thematic and motivic improvisation.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1214 with a minimum grade of C or MUSC 1214X with a minimum grade of K

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 1222 Jazz Theory and Improvisation II (2-1-2) 
A practical and theoretical course, combining jazz harmony and counterpoint with improvisational experience in the classroom. Major topics include chord/scale relationships, modal theory, chord progressions, formal analysis, thematic and motivic improvisation. The course includes keyboard and aural components.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1221 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 1223 Jazz Theory and Improvisation 3 (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1222. Study of the essential aspects of jazz harmonic and meldoic language, including: diatonic, altered, and hybrid chords; scales/modes used in jzz and their correlation to harmonic voicing; nomenclature, formal structure, terminology, common chord progressions, transcription and analysis of improvised jazz solos. This course includes keyboard and aural components. This course is a C or better course.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1222

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 1224 Jazz Theory and Improvisation 4 (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1223. Further study of the essential aspects of jazz harmonic and melodic language, including: altered and hybrid chords; scales/modes used in jazz and their correlation to harmonic voicing; nomenclature, formal structure, terminology, common chord progressions, transcription and analysis of improvised jazz solos. Emphasis is put on developing phrasing skills. Involves ear training and keyboard aspects. This course is a C or better course.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1223

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 1314 Music Skills I (1-1-1) 
Aural skills and beginning keyboard skills. Introduction to diatonic melodies sung with solfege, simple and compound rhythms, and melodic, harmonic, and rhythmic dictation, coupled with beginning piano techniques, including triad accompaniments, scales, and reading facility. Co-requisite: MUSC 1214. Pre-requisite: Music major status or departmental approval.
MUSC 1315 Music Skills II (0-2-1) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1314 with a C or better; Co-requisite: MUSA 2313. A laboratory experience involving ear training and sight singing.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1314 with a minimum grade of C and MUSA 2313 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 1375 Yoga for Performers (0-2-1) 
Yoga is a gentle form of exercise that has significant positive impact on the mind/body connection. Students will study yoga postures (asanas) while placing specific demands on their breath (pranayama). The study of yoga has been proven to reduce stress and inflammation in clinical studies. Yoga can increase flexibility and strength resulting in possible injury prevention; reduce overall stress and anxiety resulting in lowered performance anxiety; increase focus and provide students with an outlet aiding general health for years to come.
MUSC 2115 Writing about Music (3-0-3) 
A writing-intensive course that gives students the opportunity to develop their craft of writing about music and their personal, critical, creative voice as a writer. A variety of musical styles will be treated, from pop to classical, from folk to hip hop to world beat. Students will learn to write both music journalism for non-musicians and pieces for academic audiences. Classroom time will be divided between discussions of readings and student assignments. Students’ thinking about issues from the book and the class time, and engaging with these in classroom discussions, will be an essential part of the course.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1100 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 2201 Music Theory 3 (2-1-2) 
Further techniques of modulation, chromatic harmony, and two- and three-part forms.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1215 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 2202 Music Theory IV (2-1-2) 
Introduction to the analysis of form in common practice music, including issues of formal function, traditional formal models, and tools of graphic analysis.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2201 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 2301 Music Skills 3 (0-2-1) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1315 with a C or better. A laboratory experience involving ear training, dictation, and sight-singing skills.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1315 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 2302 Music Skills 4 (0-2-1) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2301 with a C or better. Continuation of MUSC 2301 with topics paralleling content of MUSC 2202. Course includes sight-singing, dictation, rhythmic exercises.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2301 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 2510 Fundamentals of Audio Technology (3-0-3) 
An introduction to physical acoustics and physical properties of sound, wave mechanics, acoustic measurements, tuning, and temperament, perceptual properties of sound, microphone techniques, psychoacoustics, basic electricity, principles and practice of recording, and an overview of the recording studio.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1214 with a minimum grade of C or MUSC 1214X with a minimum grade of K

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

MUSC 2511 Audio Technology I (3-0-3) 
An introduction to the basics of digital recording technology. Topics include digital recording systems, microphone design, microphone placement, and basic mixing technique.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2510 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students major in Music Performance, Music or Music Education.

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 2512 Audio Technology II (3-0-3) 
Continuation of MUSC 2511. Advanced topics in audio recording include mastering, multitrack recording, microphone techniques, concepts in music production, sound for film, advanced session work, and additional high-level topics in audio technology.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2511 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

MUSC 3105 Body Mapping for Musicians (3-0-3) 
Designed to bring awareness to habitual patterns of tension, this course will focus on the body in movement through individual work, lectures, masterclasses and group activities. Body mapping invites us to replace our faulty body maps with correct maps in order to rely on our bony structure to support our weight and allow for effortless movement.

Enrollment limited to students major in Music Performance, Music or Music Education.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Music degrees.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 3106 Music Business and Entrepreneurship (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1100, and MUSC 1213 or 1214 with a minimum grade of C. An introduction to administrative and managerial aspects of careers in music and the arts, including project development, grant research and writing, contracts, donor cultivation and non-profit structure.
Prerequisite(s): (MUSC 1100 with a minimum grade of C and MUSC 1213 with a minimum grade of C) or (MUSC 1100 with a minimum grade of C and MUSC 1214 with a minimum grade of C)
MUSC 3115 Counterpoint (2-0-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. Examination and exploration of the techniques and disciplines of the best practices of 18th century counterpoint.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 3116 Techniques and Structures of Music Since 1945 (2-1-2) 
In this course, students investigate standard works of the late Modern and Post-Modern periods through close analytical study, as well as composition projects employing their structure and methodology. Throughout the course students learn numerous techniques of analysis, each appropriate to the variegated innovations of the epoch.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 3117 Instrumentation and Transcription (2-0-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. Ranges and characteristics of band and orchestra instruments, and principles of arranging for vocal or instrumental ensembles.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 3125 Music and Identity (3-0-3) 
Focus on underrepresented composers to the present. Students will study composers in and out of the traditional Western music canon and their works.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 3229 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 3128 Music Encoding (3-0-3) 
Introduction to the encoding of musical documents in a machine-readable structure used in databases, libraries, and repositories, especially for the creation of editions and collections from manuscripts. Students will learn basic computer coding and basic music encoding. An introduction to reading music will be provided for those who need it.
MUSC 3228 Music History to Mozart (3-0-3) 
Chronological study of the development of Western music; an in-depth study of musical thought and practice.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1215 with a minimum grade of C or MUSC 1215X with a minimum grade of K
MUSC 3229 Music History Beethoven to Present (3-0-3) 
Chronological study of the development of Western music; an in-depth study of musical thought and practice.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1215 with a minimum grade of C and MUSC 3228 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 3230 History of Jazz (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1100 with a grade of C or better. A chronological survey of major jazz styles and jazz artists, beginning from the precursors of early jazz and continuing through contemporary jazz. This course is intended for all music majors seeking to expand their musical knowledge through exploration of the jazz narrative. Prerequisite: MUSC 1100.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1100 with a minimum grade of C

Freshman students may not enroll.

Enrollment is limited to Undergraduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Music degree.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 3235 Musical Theatre Workshop (1-2-2) 
An exploration of performing techniques in the musical theatre. (Course Fee Required)
Prerequisite(s): THEA 1245 with a minimum grade of C and MUSA 1216 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 3236 History of American Musical Theatre (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1100 with a minimum grade of C. An historical overview of American Musical Theatre including origins up to trends in the modern day industry.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1100 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 3237 History of Rock and Roll (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1100 with a minimum grade of C. A historical overview of American rock and roll.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1100 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 3306 Opera/Musical Theatre Production (0-2-1) 
Prerequisite: Audition and permission of instructor. Participation in a musical theatre or opera production. May be taken four times for credit.
MUSC 3307 Fretboard Harmony (1-2-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1214 with a grade of C or better. A study of the guitar's fretboard, including scales, fingering analysis, harmony, and harmonic inversion in all positions.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1214 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to Junior or Senior students.

Enrollment limited to students major in Music Performance, Music or Music Education.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Music degrees.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 3311 Electronic Music (2-2-3) 
Students will study the essential components of electronic art music, also known as electroacoustic music. This includes synthesizer, recorder, and sequencer technologies, as well as recording, editing, processing, and other tools that can manipulate audio. This course expands upon topics presented in the previous courses in the audio technology sequence by introducing students to the compositional, creative, performance, and production techniques of electroacoustic and computer music.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2512 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 3312 Digital Signal Processing (2-2-3) 
Students will study the essential components of MIDI (Musical Instrument Digital Interface) technology, synthesizer and sequencer capabilities, and sequencer recording and editing, and expand their knowledge into object-oriented programming environments such as Max/MSP and cSound.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1214 with a minimum grade of C or MUSC 1214X with a minimum grade of K
MUSC 3315 Audio Amplification Systems (3-0-3) 
Students will study the fundamentals of live sound including equipment, equipment maintenance, staging, wiring, and individual components of public address and other types of amplification systems. The course includes topics such as microphone selection, channelling, routing, loudspeakers, crossovers, amplifiers, and signal processing as they pertain to amplified and reinforced sound.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 3556 Special Topics in Music (1-1-1) 
The study of a selected topic in music. May be taken twice for credit with change of topic.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 4100 Professional Materials for the Vocal Performer (1-0-1) 
Prerequisite: MUSA 4211 or 4221 or 4231 with a minimum grade of C. This course is designed to better prepare vocal performers for the professional world, whether it be performing or enrolling into a graduate vocal performance degree. Concentration will be given to creating professional materials such as a performance resume, repertoire list, and head shot, as well as professional audition materials and procedures.
Prerequisite(s): MUSA 4211 with a minimum grade of C or MUSA 4221 with a minimum grade of C or MUSA 4231 with a minimum grade of C

Freshman, Sophomore or Junior students may not enroll.

Enrollment limited to students major in Music Performance, Music or Music Education.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Music degrees.

MUSC 4101 Composing for Large Ensemble (2-1-2) 
Techniques of composition for large ensemble, in preparation for orchestral reading sessions.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 4102 Composing for Chamber Ensemble (2-1-2) 
Through composing short exercises/ workshops in collaboration with student performers, the student will develop skills in composing for various small ensembles.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 4108 Intensive Theory Review (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202 or graduate admission. This course offers intensive review of techniques and materials in harmonic analysis, as well as part-writing and error detection. Students will gain in speed and accuracy in using techniques including Roman numeral analysis, figured bass realization, and eighteenth-century part-writing. This course is intended for undergraduates preparing for graduate entrance examinations and for graduate students who require remediation prior to taking Graduate Theory. Graduate students must achieve a B or higher in this course to be allowed to continue on to Graduate Theory. This course may NOT be substituted for the undergraduate courses MUSC 1214, 1215, 2201, 2202.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 4111 Jazz Composition and Arranging I (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1224 with a grade of C or better. Study of the essential components of compositional and arranging techniques in the jazz idiom for various types of jazz ensemble voicing up to an extended jazz combo format. Research and analysis of timbral characteristics and interaction of common instrumentation in small jazz ensembles. Emphasis is put on developing knowledge of jazz harmonic progressions. This course requires a grade of C or better for degree credit.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1224 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 4555 Special Topics in Music (3-0-3) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. An in-depth study of a selected topic in music. May be taken twice for credit with change of topic.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.
MUSC 4699 Audio Tech Intern (0-0-3) 
Prerequisite MUSC 3312 with a C or better. Students acquire practical experience in audio recording, editing, and management of an audio studio.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 3312 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students major in Music Performance, Music or Music Education.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 4899 Independent Study (0-0-(2-3)) 
Independent research. The course may be repeated with different content, by Director's permission. The student must earn a C or better to count this course in Areas G or H.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 3229 with a minimum grade of C
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.
MUSC 5217G Brass Literature (2-1-2) 
Historical and analytical study of literature for brass instruments.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5217U Brass Literature (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. Historical and analytical study of literature for brass instruments.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5218G Song Literature (2-1-2) 
A survey of the art song literature of Germany, Italy, France and the United States from the 17th century to the present. This will include score study and listening assignments.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5218U Song Literature (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. A survey of the art song literature of Germany, Italy, France and the United States from the 17th century to the present. This will include score study and listening assignments.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5221G Organ Literature I (2-1-2) 
A survey of the origins of organ music from the Dark Ages through the Baroque era. Major composers, organ builders, and organists of each major style period in every major geographic location will be examined and investigated. All major information regarding this literature will be presented and studied.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 6740

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5221U Organ Literature I (2-1-2) 
A survey of the origins of organ music from the Dark Ages through the Baroque era. Major composers, organ builders, and organists of each major style period in every major geographic location will be examined and investigated. All major information regarding this literature will be presented and studied.
MUSC 5222G Organ Literature II (2-1-2) 
A survey of organ literature from the Classical era through the end of the 20th Century. Major composers, organ builders, and organists of each major style period will be examined.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5223G Guitar Literature I (2-1-2) 
This course will study the history and development of the lute and guitar literature from the Renaissance through the contemporary era.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5223U Guitar Literature I (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 1215. This course will study the history and development of the lute and guitar literature from the Renaissance through the contemporary era.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 1215 with a minimum grade of C
MUSC 5224G Guitar Literature II (2-1-2) 
This course will focus on in-depth study of the history and development of classical guitar literature from the Classical through the contemporary era.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 5223G with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5224U Guitar Literature II (2-1-2) 
This course will focus on in-depth study of the history and development of classical guitar literature from the Classical through the Contemporary era.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 5223U with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students major in Music Performance or Music.

Enrollment limited to students in a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Music degrees.

MUSC 5225G Opera and Oratorio Literature (2-1-2) 
A survey of opera and oratorio literature from the Baroque era to the present. This will include score study and listening assignments.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5225U Opera and Oratorio Literature (2-1-2) 
Prerequisites: MUSC 2202. A survey of opera and oratorio literature from the Baroque era to the present. This will include score study and listening assignments.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5226G Flute Literature (2-1-2) 
A chronological study of important solo literature written for the flute from the 17th century to the present.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5226U Flute Literature (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. A chronological study of important solo literature written for the flute from the 17th century to the present.
MUSC 5228G Piano Literature through Classicism (2-1-2) 
A survey of the historical, stylistic, formal, and aesthetic features of stringed keyboard literature from Bach through the Classic period.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5228U Piano Literature through Classicism (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. A survey of the historical, stylistic, formal, and aesthetic features of stringed keyboard literature from Bach through the Classic period.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5229G Piano Literature Romantic through Contemporary Eras (2-1-2) 
A survey of the historical, stylistic, formal, and aesthetic features of piano literature of the Romantic, Impressionistic, and Contemporary periods.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5229U Piano Literature Romantic through Contemporary Eras (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. A survey of the historical, stylistic, formal, and aesthetic features of piano literature of the Romantic, Impressionistic, and Contemporary periods.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5236U String Literature (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. Historical/analytical study of ensemble literature for string instruments from the classical period to the 20th century.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5237G Symphonic Literature (2-1-2) 
Survey of symphonic literature from the 17th century to the present.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5237U Symphonic Literature (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. Survey of symphonic literature from the 17th century to the present.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5238G Wind Ensemble Literature (2-1-2) 
Historical and analytical survey of wind literature from the chamber, band, and military repertoires. Focus on major composers and standard wind literature from the 16th century to the present.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5238U Wind Ensemble Literature (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. Historical and analytical survey of wind literature from the chamber, band, and military repertoires. Focus on major composers and standard wind literature from the 16th century to the present.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5239U Woodwind Literature (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. A chronological study of the literature for woodwind instruments.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5246G Percussion Literature (2-1-2) 
Historical and analytical study of literature for percussion instruments.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5246U Percussion Literature (2-1-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 2202. Historical and analytical study of literature for percussion instruments.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 5248G Clarinet Literature (2-1-2) 
A study of solo, chamber, and orchestral repertoire for the clarinet. The course includes a survey of method books, etude collections, intermediate and advanced solo repertoire, and the standard orchestral excerpts for clarinet.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 5248U Clarinet Literature (2-1-2) 
A study of solo, chamber, and orchestral repertoire for the clarinet. The course includes a survey of method books, etude collections, intermediate and advanced solo repertoire, and the standard orchestral excerpts for clarinet.
Prerequisite(s): MUSC 2202
MUSC 6005 Reed Making (0-0-0) 
This course teaches all aspects of oboe or bassoon reed making, from cane processing to the finished reed.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 99 times or 0 hours.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

MUSC 6101 Composition I (2-1-2) 
This course focuses on techniques of composition for large ensemble (especially orchestra). Students who pass the course are eligible to participate in reading sessions with the CSU Philharmonic in the following semester (if offered).

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 6102 Composition II (2-1-2) 
In this course, students write several short exercises for various instrumental combinations. Guest performers provide readings of these exercises throughout the semester.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 6106 Business of Music (3-0-3) 
An introduction to the business of music, focusing on non-profit structure (private and corporate development, board mechanics, 501(c3) incorporation, strategic planning, mission statements), contracts, website development, branding, interview and audition techniques, resume and cover letter fundamentals, grant research and writing, networking, and social media usage. Provides a structural approach to help students develop the skills they need to navigate the current professional music marketplace.
MUSC 6115 Bibliography (3-0-3) 
Based on the information literacy and learning-centered movements, the course emphasizes learning research skills, critically evaluating information, writing/presenting material effectively, and citing sources properly. It covers the major research, writing, and citation tools that graduate music students need to know.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 6125 Music of the Romantic Period (3-0-3) 
An examination of the major composers, works and movements within the Romantic period, 1825-1910, with especial attention to national and individual styles.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 6126 Music of the Baroque Period (3-0-3) 
An examination of the major composers, works and movements within the Baroque period 1600-1750, with especial attention to philosophy and aesthetics.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 6128 Music of the Twentieth Century (3-0-3) 
An examination of the various trends and style periods of the twentieth century, including corresponding philosophies in the humanities.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 6129 Music of the Classical Period (3-0-3) 
An examination of the major composers, works and movements within the Classical period, 1750-1825, with especial attention to philosophy and aesthetics.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 6135 World Music and Ethnomusicology (3-0-3) 
A survey of music outside of the Western art tradition, including folk and contemporary forms and references to sociological and anthropological resources.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 6136 Jazz History (3-0-3) 
A chronological survey of major jazz styles and jazz artists, beginning from the precursors of early jazz and continuing through contemporary jazz. This course is intended for all music majors seeking to expand their musical knowledge through exploration of the jazz narrative.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in the College of the Arts college.

MUSC 6207 Fretboard Harmony (1-2-2) 
Fundamental understanding of the fretboard as it relates to harmonic and melodic patterns.
MUSC 6228 Music Encoding (3-0-3) 
Introduction to the encoding of musical documents in a machine-readable structure used in databases, libraries, and repositories, especially for the creation of editions and collections from manuscripts. Students will learn basic computer coding and basic music encoding.
MUSC 6555 Special Topics in Music (3-0-3) 
An in-depth study of a specific topic or composer, emphasizing examination of primary sources and extensive analytical writing, taught in a small class environment. This course may be repeated once for credit with a change of topic.
Repeatability: Repeatable for credit up to 1 times or 6 hours.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 6556 Special Topics in Music (1-1-1) 
The study of a selected topic in music. May be taken twice for credit with change of topic.
MUSC 6740 Graduate Theory Seminar (3-0-3) 
Advanced analytical techniques of music of the common practice, to include large-scale thematic and harmonic structure. The focus of the course is on solo, chamber, and orchestral repertoire of the Classical/ Romantic Eras.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 7000 Graduate Oral Examination (0-0-0) 
Prerequisite: MUSA 6233/6333/6253.The student will be prepared to answer orally questions of both factual and interpretive nature, drawn from the specific curriculum of the student. This examination is intended to be completed in the final semester of study.
Prerequisite(s): MUSA 6233 or MUSA 6333 or MUSA 6253

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 7699 Music/Arts Internship (0-0-2) 
Internships provide special training and practical experience related to arts management at an off-campus site. The internship experience is developed in conjunction with an area arts organization with a distinct musical aspect, and with a supervising instructor at CSU.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.

MUSC 7999 Graduate Research Project (0-0-2) 
Prerequisite: MUSC 6115 with a B or better. The student will research a topic within music history, theory, and/or performance practice chosen with the advisor.

Enrollment is limited to Graduate Level level students.

Enrollment limited to students in a Master of Music degree.