MISM - Management Information Systems

MISM 3115 Principles of Information Systems Management (3-0-3) 
This course provides an overview of the strategic role of information systems in business, and emphasizes how competitive strategies for companies are formulated and implemented using a combination of information technologies. Topics include business analytics, technology infrastructure, electronic commerce, social media, ethical issues related to information systems, cybersecurity, and emerging technology trends.
Prerequisite(s): MISM 2115 with a minimum grade of C or BUSA 2100 with a minimum grade of C
MISM 3116 Business Analytics II (3-0-3) 
Business Analytics (BA) focuses on the broad areas of descriptive, predictive, and prescriptive analyses to gain insight into an organization’s functioning, make predictions, and prescribe courses of action. Students learn to utilize contemporary analytics software and collect data from a variety of sources. Open to all Business Majors.
Prerequisite(s): BUSA 3115 with a minimum grade of D and (MISM 3115 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D or MISM 3109 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of D)

Enrollment limited to students in the Turner College of Business Technology college.

MISM 3118 Global e-Business (3-0-3) 
This course examines electronic commerce in a global market. Topics include strategies for electronic commerce, Web-based electronic commerce opportunities, Web site design and evaluation, Web technology and supporting applications.
Prerequisite(s): MISM 3109 with a minimum grade of C or MISM 3115 with a minimum grade of C

Freshman or Sophomore students may not enroll.

MISM 3136 Database Design (3-0-3) 
This course introduces the fundamentals of database systems and studies database design, implementation, and management using commercial database software. Topics include: concepts of database systems, popular data models including relational data model and entity-relationship data model, normalization of database tables, structured query language, and database design.
Prerequisite(s): (MISM 3115 with a minimum grade of C or MISM 3109 with a minimum grade of C) and (CPSC 1301 (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C or CPSC 1301K (may be taken concurrently) with a minimum grade of C)
MISM 3146 Data Visualization (3-0-3) 
This course introduces data visualization as an analytical tool, a medium of communication, and the basis for interactive information dashboards. Students will learn best practices in data visualization, develop analytical skills, and learn how to design dashboards to create meaningful displays of quantitative and qualitative data to facilitate managerial decision-making. Open to all Business and Computer Science majors.
Prerequisite(s): MISM 3115 with a minimum grade of C or MISM 3109 with a minimum grade of C
MISM 4128 Business Intelligence (3-0-3) 
This course introduces the concepts and the methods/tools used for business intelligence. The course covers 1) the concepts in business intelligence, data warehousing, and big data, 2) data mining methods and algorithms, and 3) text analytics techniques and their application such as web and social media analytics. A practical understanding and application of data mining and text analytics techniques are emphasized.
Prerequisite(s): (MISM 3136 with a minimum grade of C or CPSC 3131 with a minimum grade of C) and (MISM 3116 with a minimum grade of C or BUSA 3116 with a minimum grade of C)

Enrollment limited to Junior or Senior students.

MISM 4165 Project Management (3-0-3) 
This course examines project management in theory and practice, and the roles and responsibilities of the project manager from an interdisciplinary perspective. The course emphasizes the application of Project Management Institute's (PMI®) Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK) standards and framework to manage business projects. Upon successful completion of the course, students are eligible to take the Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM®) certification exam offered by the Project Management Institute (PMI).
Prerequisite(s): MISM 3115 with a minimum grade of C or MISM 3109 with a minimum grade of C or CYBR 3128 with a minimum grade of C

Enrollment limited to students in the Turner College of Business Technology college.

MISM 4168 Systems Analysis & Design (3-0-3) 
This course introduces the concepts and methods of planning, analysis, design and implementation of information systems. Topics include: information system development methodologies, project initiation process including feasibility analysis, requirements definition, system proposals, analysis phase diagrams using UM, transition to design model, class and method design, data management design, human-computer interaction design, physical architecture design, testing, and deliverables of design and implementation phase.
Prerequisite(s): CPSC 1301K with a minimum grade of C and (MISM 3115 with a minimum grade of C or MISM 3109 with a minimum grade of C) and (MISM 3136 with a minimum grade of C or CPSC 3131 with a minimum grade of C)
MISM 4899 Independent Study (0-0-3) 
Independent study in a selected area of computer information systems. Study will be directed by a faculty member representing the chosen area of specialization. Candidates must present a minimum 1500-word plan through the instructor and the Department Chair to the office of the Dean for approval.

Enrollment limited to Senior students.

Enrollment limited to students major in Management Information Systems.

Enrollment limited to students in the Turner College of Business Technology college.