International Studies (Undergraduate Certificate)

Program of Study

INTS 1000International Studies Convocation (repeated once each fall semester.)0
INTS 2105Introduction to International Studies and Cross-Cultural Learning3
To be completed before earning 9 credit hours in the certificate. A grade of "C" or better required..
International Learning Community (ILC) classes or 1000-2000 level foreign language:3
3 credits must be an ILC course at the 1000 or 2000-level; 1000-2000 level foreign language may substitute for an ILC course.
International experiential learning such as study abroad:6
The academic coursework may be at any level but must be taken as part of a study abroad program, international internship, overseas field study, or credit-bearing international service-learning program.
Capstone Course:3-4
The ISC capstone course will be in the student's major but will have an international focus. If the student's academic program has a research capstone, this certificate requirement will be fulfilled with an ISC-contract capstone course as part of the student's existing program requirements. In cases where there is no research capstone course in the major, INTS 4895: International Studies Certificate Capstone Research will be substituted
The student must first complete at least 9 hours toward the ISC and must obtain prior approval of the ISC coordinator before enrolling. A grade of "C" or better must be earned for this class.
Total Credit Hours15